Before dominating children's television in Chicago, Bozo the clown performed for Hollywood's kids

Bozo the Clown’s Chicago franchise on WGN (1960-2001) is one of the most popular children's programs in television history.
Less widely known is that Bozo, before starring on TV, was hired by Hollywood stars to entertain at their children’s birthday parties.
In the images below, you can see Bozo at the 5th birthday of Ann Rutherford’s daughter, Gloria. You might know Rutherford as one of Scarlett O'Hara's sisters in Gone with the Wind or as Polly in the Andy Hardy teen comedies, costarring Mickey Rooney.
Note the Bozo placemats, balloons, and party hats among the 67 (!!!) tiny attendees. Pictured with Bozo is Joannie Fink, the photographer’s daughter.
— Photoplay, February 1950