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One-Shot Wednesday

On Wednesdays, guess the Chicago-based movie or television show from one screenshot. 

The Vow

Today's #OneShotWed comes from the romantic drama The Vow (2012) and takes place under the Bean (aka. Cloud Gate) in Millennium Park.

In his review, Roger Ebert laments the couple, played by Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, is rarely seen alongside any Chicago landmarks since the movie is primarily filmed in Toronto.

Still, we should keep our eyes peeled for "one nice shot of the newlyweds running from the Art Institute across a footbridge into Millennium Park and ending up under the Bean."

Watch the scene below.

Welcome to One-Shot Wednesday!

Think you’re a Chicago screen buff?

On Wednesdays, we post one still from a movie or TV show filmed or set in the Windy City. Your mission? Guess the title!

​​You've already seen this week’s image above. If you're feeling nostalgic, explore the full archive of past challenges to keep the fun rolling.

Psst: you're on screenshot:


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