Continental Divide
Continental Divide (1981) is lesser-known Chicago movie starring comedian John Belushi. The story follows a Chicago newspaper reporter (Belushi), who travels to the Rockies to interview an eagle researcher (Blair Brown). As they navigate their differences—and the challenges of the wilderness—a romance blossoms.
In this scene, Belushi's character (in the background) has made it to the mountains, where he comes face-to-face with a cougar.
Most of the mountain scenes, like this one, are filmed in Colorado. But Chicago is on display as well. For instance, Belushi's character works for the Chicago Sun-Times, so several scenes show the interior and exterior of the now-demolished Sun-Times building.
Unlike when he acted in The Blues Brothers, "Belushi remained clean and sober" during filming of Continental Divide. "This was a new Belushi, clear-eyed and professional."
Unfortunately, the movie didn't fare well. Fans wanted to see Belushi's manic onscreen performances, not a romantic one.