Why Is Movie Sound So Powerful? | Chicago Movie Tours
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Why Is Movie Sound So Powerful?

Analyze the relationship between sound and image

About This Tour


A dinosaur's roar, a dancer's tap shoes, a lightsaber's hum: each of these sounds conveys meaning in relationship to its accompanying image—respectively, terror, talent, and anticipation. 

If you're interested in learning how such sounds are made, "sweetened," and then rendered onscreen, then join us for this hour-long discussion on the relationship between sound and image.

You'll also explore several sound techniques; three types of sound (voice, music, sound effects); and the power of sound in cinema.


What's Included

Chicago Movie Tours' virtual and in-person programs incorporate the following to bring the subject matter to life:

   •    HD video
   •    Photos
   •    Clips and screenshots
   •    Maps
   •    Newspapers
   •    Movie fan magazines
   •    Animated slideshows
   •    Expert commentary...and more

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