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One-Shot Wednesday

On Wednesdays, guess the Chicago-based movie or television show from one screenshot. 

Child's Play

Today's #OneShotWed comes from the 1988 horror movie Child's Play. In the movie, a single mother gives her son a doll, Chucky, only to discover it's possessed by the soul of a serial killer. Eek!

In this scene, Chucky kills his first victim, Aunt Maggie, whom he throws out an apartment window. Standing in for the apartment is Chicago's Brewster Building, built in 1893 and originally known as Lincoln Park Palace. The interior, with its labyrinthian stairs, is also used in the movie.

Welcome to One-Shot Wednesday!

Think you’re a Chicago screen buff?

On Wednesdays, we post one still from a movie or TV show filmed or set in the Windy City. Your mission? Guess the title!

​​You've already seen this week’s image above. If you're feeling nostalgic, explore the full archive of past challenges to keep the fun rolling.

Psst: you're on screenshot:


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